Vision Activation Coaching Program Step #4 Vision Clearing
In order to say “yes” to the desires of our heart, we benefit from taking a moment to acknowledge what we must say “no” to in order to make room for more fulfillment, meaning, and satisfaction…surrendering it to the fire to be cleared and cleansed.
In my own journey to building a life that honors the various aspects of who I am, where there is authenticity as well as alignment, one of the somewhat sneaky and non-sexy things they don’t tell you is that identifying and letting go of blockages is actually often more important than taking inspired action to “make it happen.”
In fact, I have found that if I start taking a lot of action, and I don’t have some of my internal world “cleaned up,” I end up frustrated, confused, and chasing my tail, because there is some kind of internal resistance that is actually preventing me from being able to create what I actually desire. As an action-oriented person, this is challenging, but slowing down in order to go fast often yields the best results.
For me one of the areas where this has been most evident is in my romantic life, where I often thought I was circumstantially ready for romantic partnership, and yet continued to find myself in less than appealing dating situations.
One of the resources that really helped me unpack some of these underlying beliefs that were continually re-creating certain dynamics in my dating life was a workbook titled “Calling in The One.” Much of the emphasis in the book draws upon the concept of Laws of Attraction which suggests that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
Some of the deep seeded negative thoughts I had about men that I was able to identify through some of these investigations included, “men will drain my energy and pull me away from my strong sense of purpose,” “I can either have an emotional or a physical connection with a man, and it is not possible to find both,” “Men are not as committed to growth as women, and I will always be dragging my partner along, and never feel like he is my equal.”
These beliefs were hidden pretty deeply in the recesses of my mind, and once I was able to bring them into the light, and start sharing them with other women who were also trying to challenge their negative programming, I realized I had more of a choice than I realized to actively choose a different thought, and far more power than I gave myself credit for to create a different reality for myself.
Another place where I came to understand I had a certain idea embedded in my psyche that was not serving me was around friendship. It became apparent to me when I had a conflict with a friend around some of the ways our definition of spirituality was evolving.
As we collided over differences in belief systems, I realized how much of myself I had been hiding from her in order to ensure she felt comfortable in the relationship, protecting her from my emerging spiritual curiosities in order to preserve our connection.
Initially I felt a great sense of self-betrayal that I had been so willing to abandon myself. But the question then also came along as to why that was so easy for me to do? And there it was - a core belief that in order to receive the support and care of the people I loved, the price was to share only parts of myself that they liked or enjoyed or found palpable.
So to that point, I did not have a lot of examples of situations where I was completely myself and still saw that people would be willing to share support and care with me, because in my subconscious I did not believe it was possible. And at the time I realized it was time for me to release that relationship with love for us both, so that I could find new connections where more of me was welcomed, and support developing a new belief system.
There is also a reality that we can only see so much of the truth of what our subconscious holds at any one time, so these insights about what might be holding us back often emerge carefully and kindly over time.
It doesn't usually work to “chase them down”…they often find us, sometimes in moments that are convenient, and other times that feel not so convenient. And even once we are aware of the blockages, we also have a choice about whether we are ready to surrender it, as we are often getting something from it that is “serving us,” even while also holding us back.
And once we decide we are ready to let it go, we also get to release controlling the timing of when it is fully removed from our programming. But the cool thing is that nature has a lot to teach us about the fruits of consistently releasing and harvesting, and we can tune into its natural rhythms as part of showing our willingness of spirit to practice regular shedding.
In advance of our time together, I encourage you to do a “brain dump” through a journaling exercise of anything that you desire to release which might be blocking you from your truest desires: fears that stop you from growing, self-doubt, guilt or shame, toxic relationships, negative self-talk, attachments to a job you’ve outgrown, limiting belief about your abilities, feelings of unworthiness, excuses that keep you small, self-sabotaging behavior, societal expectations, any other patterns that aren’t serving you. Consider this across life categories: work, relationships, environment, health, finances, etc.
We will honor what you desire to release in a ceremonial way. I encourage you to plan to bring a candle, your journal and pen, and we can decide together the best way for you to physically release what you are ready to let go of after our session. Look forward to channeling the magic of the fire element with you, and creating more space for all your dreams and desire to gain momentum as we head into the second phase of our journey.
You can find time for a virtual coffee here. If I am not the right resource, I would still love to learn a bit about your story, and see if there is another connection point I might be able to point you towards that might help you find your way forward.