Organization Activation Case Study | Postcard Travel Club


In January 2024, Postcard Travel Club had confidence in the value it was creating for both the partner community, which had grown to 71 properties across 23 countries, as well as the community of +2,500 conscious travelers that we had built. The foundation had been established in terms of getting the “right people in the room” who were values-aligned, and now it was time to shift towards strengthening the organization’s ability to deliver on the next phase of the concept, which included continued growth of the community, enhanced user experience, increased engagement with the platform, all to build towards launching a number of revenue streams. Based upon this, I stepped in with my background in Organizational Development and working with other start-ups who were preparing to scale, to help activate the organizational capacity of the Postcard Travel Club team.

  • Discover: To establish our organizational foundation, I decided to draw heavily upon the framework of the Entrepreneurial Operating System, which includes a “set of concepts and tools that comprises a complete business management system that empowers entrepreneurs to reach their business goals and improve the lives of every individual the business affects.” This framework offers a free assessment, which helps you determine where you might want to invest time and energy in terms of strengthening the core of your operations. The book Traction also offers insights on which of the tools you should consider prioritize implementing, when you are introducing the system within your organization. I interviewed a number of colleagues who had effectively leveraged this framework, to hear their perspective on how they had approached implementation, and the key impacts that it had made on their organization, to consider what our priorities and approach might be.

  • Design: Based upon this data gathering, we decided the key areas to focus on in the following order were:

    • Creating a Vision Traction Organizer - Gets everyone in the organization moving in the same direction by getting a clear picture of where your company is going and how you plan to get there.

    • Introducing Team Meetings - We took inspiration from the Level 10 meeting format, which creates a standard structure for productive meetings, and incorporated our own playful spin to reflect our own core value of “fun.”

    • Establishing Rocks - Helps each team member be focused on measurable priority that will move your organization forward.

    • Creating an Accountability & Impact Chart - Provides clarity about who owns the major functions of an organization and identifies the primary roles and responsibilities for which they are accountable.

    • Creating a Scorecard - The scorecard lets leaders get an accurate pulse on the progress they are making towards organizational goals, and gives them the ability to predict results.

    • Defining Core Values - It is one thing to decide where you want to go, and it is another thing to decide how you will uniquely approach getting there, which Core Values help define.

  • Deliver: We rolled these different tools out in a series of all team meetings, to orient people to these various aspects of Postcard’s evolving organizational development and explained the value they were meant to create for our team, ensuring the “why” was understood. We introduced a slack channel as our internal communications tool to facilitate conversations and dialogue between meetings. And we guided each of the “departments” or what we call “circle leaders” in implementing these tools through follow-up 1:1 meetings, which allowed for co-creation of goals and objectives that felt aspirational but also attainable. We have decided to focus on one core value a month to facilitate a discussion about how we will uniquely express that value, and what we want it to look like through actions and behaviors within the organization. Thus far, we have focused on the value of Innovation, Optimism, and Generosity with valuable insights from the team about how to imbed these deeper into our culture and operations.

  • Debrief: We will be in a better place to evaluate this after we have been leveraging these tools and resources for a period of six months, but in the meantime, we are seeing very strong traction across teams. People are clear about where we are going, the role they get to play, and energized by the momentum we are getting towards our objectives for 2024.


A winter season of re-consideration, re-direction, and re-generation


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