Charli Kemp

About Chari

A curator of transformative learning experiences that empower individuals to build capacity within themselves and create positive systemic change. Utilizing education as a vehicle for activism, Charli is driven by ending inequitable systems to create opportunities and access for underserved communities.


Current Roles

Founder and Executive Director, Change the Tune


How We Met

Charli and I crossed paths during my work in Rwanda, where we were both studying the entrepreneurship ecosystem, and determining how to build effective and inclusive programs to enable and empower entrepreneurship among youth on the African continent. 


What is Catching Her Attention Currently


Get in Touch with Charli if You Want Help With or Thought Partnership About…

Revolutionizing The Global Education Space


Current Location

In The Air or Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Jamaica, or Oakland


How to Get in Touch



Danielle Sewell


Jasper Mutsaerts